Bosch, leader in home electronics wanted a distinctive European campaign for the introduction of the most quiet vacuum cleaner on the market.
I was creative lead and responsible for the conceptualization and creative direction. The two aspects I liked the most about this project, was the ideation, development and pitching of the concept to the European Marketing Executives. Plus the 3D execution that strengthened my suit of working with 3D developers, animators, sound designers and editors. The core “big idea” was to ‘Make the invisible visible’ by illustrating the quietness of the vacuum cleaner in every day household situations, using 3D sound wave animations to emphasise its stillness.
The campaign was tested in focus groups and selected as the winning concept of a European pitch in which 6 agencies joined. It ran successfully in multiple countries, including UK, France, Germany, Spain, Russia and The Netherlands. The concept ‘Making the invisible visible’ was translated in television commercials, radio, online, print, social media and instore. In that sense, it was a pretty loud campaign, for a quite product.