As PR stunt for the Kraft company we designed maroon Stove Top branded Thanksgiving Dinner Pants, which starred in an over the top Stove Top infomercial, that got widely shared on social and TV. The pants featured an over-the-belly, stuffing-patterned "non-patented stuffin' stretch waistband" and extra deep stuffing-patterned pockets. They were up for sale for $19.98 online at thanksgivingdinnerpants.com but sold out in less than 18 hours.
This PR push, which was strategically planned during the key selling season for Stove Top, included a $10,000 donation to Feeding America. The Thanksgiving Dinner pants were hot, wanted and went viral after been shown on ABC News and USA Today. A project stuffed with good energy and a give back gesture that is, just right for Thanksgiving.